Sunday, September 25, 2005

San Diego Film Festival--Day 3

One of the great things about film festivals is that you can plan whatever you want, but things will change anyway. I watched Everyone their Grain of Sand and was planning to watch Max and Grace, but my plans changed after I watched the documentary about Maclovio Rojas. Everyone their Grain of Sand, directed by Beth Byrd, was a San Diego feature. O.k., it wasn't about San Diego. It was about our neighbors across the border. Did you know that they use our discarded garage doors to make classroom walls in parts of Tijuana, Mexico? But that is not what this excellent documentary was about. Life is a struggle for many people in the world on a daily basis. And yet, they can teach us so much. I learned more about the human spirit, democracy, and community activism in a few hours sitting in front of a screen than I have sitting in a classroom learning political theory. Mukul Khurana

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